Avocado week, healthy benefits of avocado.

67541_better_logo_04(1) (1)Hey its already halfway into february 2016. Am happy to have started the year on a high notch…hope the same for you as well.

Am actually writing from my smartphone as am heading home, i really wanted to to find out how you’ve been and share with you all the amazing stuff we have prepared for you.

This month we look into various fruits and their nutritional benefits, i couldn’t help marvel today as this little fruit which has been enjoyed in most home as favorite delicacy. Avocado-Would you believe that the avocado is considered by many nutritional experts to be a perfect food? It’s considered a superfood by many.

Surprise, it’s not really a vegetable, it’s a fruit. In areas south of the border, it’s often called the alligator pear because of its shape and dark green roughly textured skin.

Though avocados are heavy in calories, those are nutrient dense calories. And the fats are heart healthy monounsaturated fats and omega-3. Besides actually being healthy, there are many ways to enjoy avocado, from a few guacamole recipes to mixing into salads and to using it as a meat substitute for sandwiches.

Try this easy recipe to prepare avocado and melon salad as an accompaniment or on its own.

2 tablespoons honey

1/4-cup lime juice

1 pinch of salt

1 pinch of oregano

1 ripe avocado/ cut into large pieces

1/2-honey dew melon, chopped

1 large ripe tomatoe, cut

1 small lettuce


  1. In a small bowl, mix the honey, lime juice, oregano and salt to form a dressing ser aside.
  2. Arrange the avocado, melon tomato and lettuce on a salad plate and pour the dressing over it.

cooking tips

  • Use firm but ripe avocado for best results.
  • Do not cut lettuce with a knife as this causes discoloration. Tear it gently with your fingers.
  • For better digestion consume salads at least 30 minutes before a main meal.



3 Quick ways to stop junk cravings

The festive season is here and who else to welcome the holy feast but the pope himself who arrived yesterday afternoon.  Led by the president who received the pope with warmth and heart felt joy.  Infact our country is known world over for being such wonderful hosts. World leaders have graced our country and marveled to the attitude of the people and their families who are always ready to great and assist foreigners.
This culture of being wonderful hosts emanated from our ancestors, whenever they received visitors in their compounds, they took the duty of entertaining their host very seriously.
This season most folk will be heading up-country to great loved ones with their loads of goodies, this particular time taste buds will have hit an all time high with people trying different food types. Owe unto those people on diet.One minute, you’re innocently going about your day—the next, you’re in the clutches of desire. Your object of lust: a chocolate cupcake with buttercream icing. Next thing you know, you’re licking frosting off your fingers. What just happened? you threw caution to the wind and fell prey to your cravings.
Her are quick ways to stop junk food cravings:
1. Distract yourself when a craving hits by calling a friend you’ve not seen in along time, playing with your pet or focusing on learning something new.
2.Analyze your desire for junk food when cravings strike.
Most cravings come about as a result of being bored. By talking to someone and sharing helps to reveal your emotions and deal with them hence not burying yourself in food.
3.Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing.
If you tend to reach out to junk food when you are stressed or anxious, figure out alternatives you could use to help you relax like yoga and deep breathing.

Get a Delicious Dinner on the Table in 25 Minutes or Less.”

Its a chilly evening and the skys are rumbling like crazy and most people cant wait to beat the traffic, get home and just cool off away from the hustle and bustle of the day. Urban life can be hectic belive me i do, but the cool thing is that you can get a delicious meal on the table in 25 minutes or less and ill show you how.
Matoke or plantain is a staple food for most part of east africa especially uganda, rwanda and burundi.
•Plantains or green bananas, peeled and diced about 6-8pcs
•Lemon 2pcs
•Oil about 2-3 tablespoons
•Onion, chopped
•Garlic, minced 3-4 cloves
•Ground coriander  1 tablespoon
•Muttock or beef cubed 1/2 kg
•Tomatoes, seeded and chopped  2 cups
•Water 2 cups
•Salt  to season
1.Peel the plantains put in water add the lemon juice and set aside.
2.Heat the oil in a large pot over medium-high flame. Add the onions and saute until the onion is cooked for about 3 or 4 minutes. Add the garlic and coriander and saute for another minute or so.
3.Stir in the beef or muttock and tomatoes  cook for another 2 or 3 minutes.
4.Add water and season with salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium-low, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes.
5.Stir in the plantains and simmer for another 30 to 40 minutes, or until the beef is tender and the plantains have softened. Adjust seasoning and serve hot.
The dish also goes well with avocado or kachumbar (a fresh tomatoe and onion salad)
Servings 4-6